Cottage rates

Prices are indicated per week charges included (water, electricity, heating). For the cottages La granges aux hirondelles, wood is provided September 15 to May 15. We provide 4 packs of 8 offset wood logs. Additional compensated logs: 8€ per pack.. We provide bed and kitchen linen - bed made on arrival. In June, July, August & September priority to 14 days. Arrivals and Departures: - la clef des champs, le grand cyprès, la G. aux hirondelles .....SATURDAYS Final Cleaning : - Gîtes 2/5 guest.........2 bedrooms: 80€

Weekly price of the gîtes (in euros)

Dated La Clef des Champs Le Grand Cyprès La Grange aux Hirondelles
07.09 au 04.10.24 850 € 885 € 920 €
05.10 au 04.04.25 780 € 815 € 850 €
05.04 au 20.06.25 850 € 885 € 920 €
21.06 au 06.09.25 1270 € 1340 € 1410 €
07.09 au 04.10.25 850 € 885 € 920 €
5.10 au 04.01.26 780 € 815 € 850 €

Tarif court séjours (entre 2 et 4 nuits)

Dated La Clef des Champs Le Grand Cyprès La Grange aux Hirondelles
Tarif 1 nuit 140 € 150 € 160 €